Recruiting for Language speakers

Are you looking to hire language speaking professionals within your organisation? Perhaps German Sales or French Customer service? If so there are various ways you can go about this.

One of the most common ways to recruit for languages speakers is by using a recruitment agency, they are great as they will do all the work of filtering the candidates and presenting you with the most suitable jobseekers for the position and there is no upfront cost as you will only pay if a suitable candidate is placed. There are many agencies out there, both generic as well as language specialist recruitment agencies who will do a fantastic job.

However, if your business has the setup to hire directly, are looking to save money and have time on your hands then using a language specialist job board is a good option too.

Many candidates initially begin their job search online and inevitably end up on a job board, most active jobseekers will register on multiple jobsites so as they can increase their exposure of being found on the CV database as well as finding the right job.

Most employers will use both recruitment agencies and job boards if their budgets allow.

The other option is to also look at social media platforms, although these are also great platforms it can be very time consuming which is why many companies and recruitment agencies who recruit for languages use language specific job boards.

More companies have now realised how important its is to have bilingual or multilingual staff within their organisation as this will help them to gain new clients as well as keep them so if they are looking to increase their market share and trade internationally, languages are key!

Why not register with which is Europe’s first free language specialist job board and post your bilingual or multilingual jobs today.